At Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC)/ZERUST®, we are committed to creating a more sustainable future. We convert unique environmentally beneficial materials science into value-added products and services for industrial and consumer applications. Our R & D teams deliver innovative, sustainable VCI technologies and products that embrace the future of environmental preservation by addressing climate change, using renewable materials, and enabling sustainable waste management. We do this while maintaining the highest performance and processability.

– G. Patrick Lynch, President & CEO

Commitment to Our Environment

Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC)/ZERUST® utilizes electricity generated by 100% renewable sources through the purchase of energy offset credits for all facilities in the USA. This annually offsets greenhouse gas emissions to the equivalent of…

380 Metric Tons of CO₂

Smoke stack emitting a cloud of smoke against a clear sky, symbolizing CO₂ emissions, contrasted with NTIC/ZERUST’s dedication to renewable energy for sustainable VCI solutions.

81.8 Passenger Cars driven for 1 year

A congested traffic jam, representing the CO₂ emissions offset by NTIC/ZERUST's commitment to using electricity from 100% renewable sources.

47.8 Average Household energy use for 1 year

Neighborhood with homes and greenery, symbolizing the reduction in CO₂ emissions equivalent to 47.8 households, achieved by NTIC/ZERUST using renewable energy sources.


Additionally, NTIC/ZERUST® develops technologies that support green manufacturing processes and energy production.

Environmental Benefits of ZERUST®/EXCOR® VCI Products

ZERUST®/EXCOR® is a leading provider of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) technologies that are used for packaging and rust prevention. As well as rust removers to reduce the impact manufacturing has on the environment by:

Cover of ZERUST/EXCOR's brochure titled "Reducing your VCI Packaging Carbon Footprint," featuring imagery that reflects sustainable VCI technology and environmental stewardship.

  • Reducing Need for Hazardous Materials. ZERUST®’s VCI products often replace more hazardous rust-prevention methods, like oil and solvent-based coatings, which can be harmful to the environment.
  • Longer Lifespan of Metals. By effectively preventing rust, ZERUST® products extend the lifespan of metals. Consequently, this reduces the need for frequent replacements. As a result, it lowers the demand for new metal production, which is a process that often involves significant environmental impact.
  • Less Waste. A longer lifespan of metal components generates less scrap metal and waste, which reduces landfill use and environmental harm from metal disposal.
  • Energy Conservation. By protecting metals against corrosion, ZERUST® helps maintain the efficiency of mechanical systems and structures, thereby ensuring efficient systems consume less energy and contribute to reduced carbon emissions.
  • Safe for People and Environment. ZERUST® formulations are typically designed to be non-toxic and safe for both people and the environment, making them a preferable option over more hazardous chemicals.
  • Recyclability. ZERUST® VCI Poly and VCI Paper products are recyclable, which further aids in waste reduction and promotes a circular economy.
  • Low VOC Emissions. Additionally, many ZERUST® liquid products have low volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, which is beneficial for air quality and reduces harmful atmospheric pollutants.
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction. ZERUST® incorporates recycled resin from consumer and industrial sources into our VCI Film, significantly reducing the carbon footprint. As a result, this approach underscores our dedication to sustainability and supports our commitment to environmental responsibility.

Revolutionizing Sustainable Practices in VCI Packaging: ZERUST®’s Pioneering Role in Post-Consumer Recycling

Engine wrapped in ZERUST Post Consume Recycled VCI Poly Film, demonstrating rust protection and commitment to sustainability.

Environmental consciousness is on the rise. As a result, companies are increasingly seeking innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability. Consequently, one such approach that’s gaining traction is post-consumer recycling. Here at ZERUST®, we’re at the forefront of implementing this technology across our VCI polymer film solutions. These solutions are commonly used to protect metal components and equipment from corrosion during storage and transportation. Furthermore, by incorporating post-consumer recycled materials into our VCI polymer packaging products, ZERUST® is reducing the demand for virgin plastics and promoting the circular economy. Moreover, by choosing ZERUST® products, businesses can protect their metal assets, reduce their environmental footprint, and join the global effort to build a more sustainable and responsible future!
