ZERUST® Corrosion Solutions for Indoor Storage

Corrosion is a serious issue that can occur during the indoor storage of metal materials. A variety of factors, including humidity, temperature changes, and exposure to certain chemicals, can cause it.


One of the most common causes of corrosion during indoor storage is humidity. High humidity levels can cause metals to rust and corrode, especially if the storage area is adequately ventilated. Therefore, to prevent corrosion caused by humidity, its essential to maintain a low humidity level in the storage area and to ensure that the area is well-ventilated.

Temperature Changes

Temperature changes can also cause corrosion during indoor storage. Extreme temperatures can cause metal materials to expand and contract, leading to cracking and corrosion. To prevent corrosion caused by temperature changes, it is essential to store metal materials in a temperature-controlled environment and avoid storing them near heat or cold sources.

Chemical exposure

Chemical exposure is another common cause of corrosion during indoor storage. Certain chemicals, such as acids and bases, can react with metal materials and cause them to corrode. To prevent corrosion caused by chemical exposure, its essential to store metal materials away from chemicals and to use appropriate rust-preventative coatings or VCI Packaging to avoid chemical contact.

In addition to the above, it is essential to regularly inspect and maintain the stored materials, ensure they are in good condition, and address any issues that may arise.

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ZERUST® VCI (Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor) poly packaging, paper, emitters, and rust-preventative coatings are all effective products that protect against corrosion during indoor storage.

ZERUST® VCI Products for Indoor Storage

VCI poly packaging, paper, and emitters release corrosion-inhibiting vapors, which form a protective barrier on the metal surfaces. This barrier prevents corrosion by neutralizing the corrosive agents that cause rust and corrosion, such as humidity and oxygen. As a result, ZERUST® VCI products effectively protect metal materials during indoor storage.

ZERUST® Rust Preventative Coatings for Indoor Storage

ZERUST® rust preventative coatings are applied directly to the metal surface, protecting against corrosion by creating a physical barrier on the metal surface. These coatings typically contain rust inhibitors and other corrosion inhibitors that protect the metal surface from rust and corrosion. They can be applied via immersion, brush-on, or spray-on and can be used on a wide range of metal surfaces, including steel, aluminum, and zinc.

Protect Against Corrosion during Indoor Storage

Both VCI packaging and rust-preventative coatings are effective ways to protect against corrosion during indoor storage. However, VCI packaging may be a more cost-effective option for protecting large quantities of metal materials. At the same time, rust-preventative coatings may be a better option for protecting individual items or specialized equipment.

In summary, ZERUST® VCI poly packaging, paper, emitters, and rust-preventative coatings are all effective ways to protect against corrosion during indoor storage. Still, the choice between them will depend on the specific application, cost, and storage duration.

  • VCI Packaging Film & Paper provides effective corrosion protection and packaging combined in one step
  • Metals are ready for use and assembly directly out of VCI Packaging Film & Paper
  • ZERUST® offers a wide range of rust-preventative coatings ranging from oil-based, wax-based, water-based, and grease-based to oil additives
  • ZERUST® VCI Products provide safe and effective corrosion protection