Please be advised that our shipping department has a new address: 4203 Woodland Rd, Circle Pines, MN 55014, USA. Kindly update your records to ensure all shipments are sent to the correct location. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

ZERUST®/EXCOR® World-Class Service

  • ZERUST® Corrosion Inhibiting System (Z-CIS®)
  • Solve corrosion issues
  • Eliminate corrosion concerns
  • Achieve rust-free shipment yields of up to 100%
  • Reduce money lost to corrosion by 10% or more

An effectively deployed Z-CIS® program will significantly improve rust-free shipment and storage rates. Z-CIS® stands for ZERUST® Corrosion Inhibiting System. Various clients have experienced rust-free shipments and reductions of 10% or more in money lost to corrosion. Try our cost of corrosion calculator to see how much rust is costing you.

Through the use of our unique problem-solving methodology, ZERUST®/EXCOR® products, technical services, and locations worldwide, the ZERUST® team can identify and eliminate root causes of corrosion. Consult a ZERUST® representative today to implement an optimum, cost-effective corrosion prevention system across your production facility and supply chain.

Worldwide ZERUST®/EXCOR® Technical Support

Our internationally recognized scientists and field engineers work closely with customers to design and implement comprehensive corrosion management systems. Then, ZERUST®/EXCOR® representatives worldwide provide on-site support to ensure the efficacy of these solutions. ZERUST®/EXCOR® application engineers will assist with the on-site preparation and packaging of test shipments. The shipment will be inspected and evaluated by a global ZERUST® representative at its destination.

Laboratories and Test Facilities Across the Globe

ZERUST® can evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed corrosion management system under simulated extreme climatic conditions in one of our worldwide ZERUST®/EXCOR® support centers.

ZERUST®/EXCOR® offers comprehensive corrosion consultations and lab testing services to pre-qualified clients.

To request an official quote for any of the testing/services below, please contact the ZERUST® team. NTIC offers many other services in addition to the list below (including product design services). If you do not find what you need from this list, please contact us.

Cyclic Chamber Test (Fluids or Packaging Materials)
Salt Spray Chamber Test (Components)
Cyclic Chamber Test (Full Chamber Utilization)Salt Spray Chamber Test (Fluids or Packaging Materials)
Cyclic Chamber Test (Components)
Salt Spray Chamber Test (Full Chamber Utilization)Humidity Chamber Test (Fluids or Packaging Materials)
Humidity Chamber Test (Components)Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Sulfur Dioxide Chamber Test (Fluids or Packaging Materials)
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Sulfur Dioxide Chamber Test (Components)
Basic Corrosion Prevention Training
Cast Iron Chip Test
Data Logger Analysis
Drop Test
Mechanical Property Test
Problem Solving, Shipment Inspection Site Visit (Hourly Rate)
VCI Standard Test

Corrosion Services
View Lab & Technical Services Brochure
